Coop at COP29 Cop 29


Cooperativism and Green Finance

Brasilia time: 6:45 am


The Role of Cooperatives in Advancing Climate Action

Brasilia time: 03:00 am


Meet the cooperatives that will be on the COP29 panels


Open Letter from Brazilian Cooperativism to COP29

We are at a pivotal moment for the planet, where adaptation, mitigation, and climate change management become essential.     Brazilian cooperativism acknowledges that this is one of the greatest global challenges, demanding urgent and effective action. At the same time, we are ready to take on an increasingly prominent role in actions that rea...


MinasCoop Energy Project encourages and supports e...

Aware of the financial benefits generated by renew...

MinasCoop Energy Project encourages and supports energy transition in Minas Gerais cooperatives

Women members of Coopfam mobil...

Boosting the role of women in the countryside is a major challenge for agricultural cooperatives. Da...


With energy transiti...

The emission of polluting gas is a sensitive issue for transportation ...


Cooxupé develops Ge...

Ensuring a sustainable future for its coffee-producing members is the ...


COP 30: the cooperatives' journey to Belem - preparations, expectations and commitments

COP 30: the cooperatives' jour...

2025 has everything to be special for cooperatives, with expectations of opportu...

Progress and challenges of COP29: what to expect for the future?

Progress and challenges of COP...

COP29, held in Baku, the capital of Azerbaijan, has come to an end after two wee...

Transforming the Countryside and Protecting the Planet: Coopercitrus at COP29

Transforming the Countryside a...

Coopercitrus will represent Brazilian cooperativism alongside Cooxupé and the S...

Cooxupé Showcases How Sustainability Becomes Action at COP29  

Cooxupé Showcases How Sustain...

Cooxupé, the world's largest coffee cooperative, will present an inspiring acco...

Sicredi Highlights Commitment to Green Economy and Inclusion

Sicredi Highlights Commitment ...

On November 19, during COP29 in Baku, Azerbaijan, Sicredi will showcase its gree...

Sicoob drives sustainability in small communities

Sicoob drives sustainability i...

Brazilian credit cooperativism will take center stage at the United Nations Clim...

Cresol presents Cooperativism as a pillar of inclusion at COP29

Cresol presents Cooperativism ...

At COP29, held in Baku, Azerbaijan, from November 11 to 22, Brazilian cooperativ...

COP29: the role of cooperatives in combating climate change

COP29: the role of cooperative...

The 29th edition of the COP (United Nations Conference on Climate Change) is sch...