
Caring for the future

15/10/2024 22:28
Caring for the future

Recovering and protecting water springs, as well as helping in the environmental awareness of the whole community, have been the great gains of a sustainability project led by Lar Agroindustrial Cooperative.

The cooperative is active in the areas of poultry, pig breeding, and agriculture in the state of Paraná, and is one of the largest in Brazil. It is well aware of the importance of water for the planet and for the maintenance of its economic activities. That is why it has taken up the environmental cause and rolled up its sleeves in proposing a sustainability project for the region. Objective? Recover and protect the springs by desilting a water mine.

Since the beginning of the project, in 2004, 90 springs have been recovered and more than 230,000 seedlings of native trees have been planted in Lar’s units and in the properties of cooperative members that use the water in the area to develop their activities.



The benefits of the project go beyond the desilting of the water mine, with the awareness of the associated family for the protection of the spring to be used as input for the activities of the rural property. In addition, the trees planted help in the sequestration of greenhouse gases and in regulating the temperature.

And since the cooperatives have a public commitment to support the sustainable development of the communities where they operate, Lar took the project to all the municipalities where it operates and reached, with the initiative, about 147,000 people, all mobilized for the management and conservation of water resources on their properties.

Among the cooperative members, about 11,500 participated in the initiative. They understood that abundant water on a farm means wealth and ease of production.

To top it off, the initiative had a positive impact on the 18,300 employees of the cooperative. They recognize Lar’s efforts to do good, and are proud to work for an organization that respects the environment and society.

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