
Cooperalfa reduces waste generation with ecological tire management

22/10/2024 17:25
Cooperalfa reduces waste generation with ecological tire management

Being a truly sustainable organization means taking the issue seriously in all processes. It's not enough for production and the end result to be environmentally friendly. If, for example, the transportation of products emits high amounts of greenhouse gases, there is still room to be more efficient.

Cooperalfa is one of the organizations that carries with it the mission of being sustainable. The agricultural cooperative in Chapecó, Santa Catarina, has as one of its principles production with integration and respect for the environment. The cooperative has Environmental Advisory and Quality departments that work for improvements in this area, but the idea is for the issue to be transversal in the cooperative.

It was with a view to expanding the sustainability policy that Cooperalfa's Logistics and Transport department developed a program to improve tire management. The project consists of systematizing the control of equipment used in heavy vehicles.

According to Nelson Zanchettin, Cooperalfa's Logistics and Transport manager, the initiative prevented 172,672 kg of carbon from being disposed of in nature in 2023 alone. The environmental impact project improved the use of equipment and even earned the cooperative an award.

Why managing tire use makes a difference

The tire monitoring project began in 2019. Cooperalfa had previously adopted control tactics, such as selecting suppliers and planning purchases. However, there was no precise organization of information about the equipment and its history.

A fundamental change implemented by the Logistics and Transport sector has been the concern about old tires. Used tires that are no longer roadworthy can become environmental problems. Incorrect disposal has a negative impact on the environment and burning them releases toxic gases such as carbon monoxide and sulphur oxide.

Therefore, every precaution is valid when managing worn tires. First, it's important to know if the equipment is no longer fit for purpose or if it can still be repaired through retreading. Then, if it is in poor condition, it is essential to dispose of it correctly.

This is where ecological tire management comes in. The project relies on internal collaboration, as Cooperalfa employees are instructed to carry out constant visual checks with the support of the drivers. There are also services provided by a contracted company. The partner is responsible for calibrating, changing, rotating and removing the equipment for retreading. The process also monitors whether there are tires with cuts or other damage that, for safety reasons, force disposal.

In these cases, Cooperalfa uses partnerships to mitigate damage to the environment. “The tire is sent to a company with the Green Seal that will dispose of it for remanufacturing, or even to institutions that use high potential in the boiler, in the demands of ore,” says Elisandro Schwirck, the cooperative's driver trainer

The strategy has generated positive impacts on both fronts: reuse and environmentally friendly disposal. In 2023 alone, 568 tires were retreaded, reducing the emission of carbon, according to Cooperalfa.

Another 309 units were discarded and put to new use. “In 2023 we recorded a fantastic result and for 2024 the idea is to improve. We want to make the most of the tires, collaborate with the environment and thus with the well-being of society,” Zanchettin points out.


For an even more sustainable cooperative

The positive figures culminated in something secondary to the main objective, but at the same time relevant: brand recognition. The 'Efficient Tire Management: Less Waste + Sustainability' case came first in the 2023 ACIC/Unochapecó Sustainability Award.

More than just a project in the Logistics and Transportation sector, the idea is that the principles behind the initiative are shared throughout Alfa. “There is resistance to change, a lack of information and the challenges are great, but with involvement, training and evidence of improvements, everything will be internalized,” says Zanchettin.

Bruna Madey Dalarosa, a chemical engineer in the cooperative's environmental sector, highlights the importance of members understanding why it is necessary to pay extra attention to waste. “These actions bring numerous economic, environmental and social benefits, as well as making better use of resources and reducing waste,” she says.

Cooperalfa has next steps in mind for this project, which has already borne fruit. According to Edilamar Wons, the cooperative's second vice-president, the idea is to expand efficient management to light vehicles - the cooperative has 253 of them. In the medium and long term, the Logistics and Transportation sector plans to invest in electric vehicles, gas combustion and fleet maintenance.

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