
Energy for everyone

11/10/2024 22:36
Energy for everyone

The commitment of the cooperative movement is with people. And it is with future generations in mind that our business model is also committed to building a better and more sustainable world for everyone.

Based on the economic, environmental and social pillars, the MinasCoop Energia project motivates the cooperatives to build their own photovoltaic power plants, encouraging them to donate part of the kilowatts generated to philanthropic entities in the health area.

By encouraging cooperatives to adopt clean energy, Ocemg wants to contribute both to the achievement of the environmental goals of the state of Minas Gerais, and to the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations (UN). After all, the installation of photovoltaic plants reduces the emission of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and encourages the generation of clean and renewable energy at more affordable prices.

Another important goal of the project is to encourage cooperatives to install their plants on unproductive lands in the north of the state, generating jobs and income for disadvantaged families.

Currently, the project counts with the participation of 12 cooperatives and the expectation is to reach 100 as early as 2022.



Besides the economic (cost reduction and resource saving) and environmental (generation of clean energy) pillars, the MinasCoop project also has a social pillar, aimed at supplying the energy needs of philanthropic entities in the state.

During the pandemic, the Ocemg System identified the high financial expenditures of philanthropic health entities with electricity consumption. For this reason, during the implementation of the pilot project, it was decided to benefit these institutions.

In Belo Horizonte, the participating cooperatives are encouraged to donate part of the energy generated by their plants to supply the energy demand of the institution Santa Casa de Misericórdia in the capital.
Preliminary studies have shown that the health institution’s monthly expenditure on energy bills is around R$100,000, which will mean, at the end of 12 months, savings of more than R$1 million, which can be invested in improvements to serve the public. So far, R$ 54.7 million have been invested in the project, which relies on the partnership and support of the Government of the State of Minas Gerais, the Agency for the Promotion of Investment and Foreign Trade of Minas Gerais, and the Energy Company of Minas Gerais (CEMIG) and two cooperatives: the Central Cooperative of Rural Producers (CCPR) and Sicoob Credicom – responsible for building the plants for self-generation of energy.

The resources for the construction of the plants are the responsibility of each cooperative involved.

By September 2021, 17 municipalities and 4 health institutions were participating in the MinasCoop project. Ocemg estimates that 8,300 people have already been directly benefited, from employees of the cooperatives and patients of the health institutions.



Like all cooperative projects, MinasCoop reaches and benefits an enormous number of people. It is a productive relationship for all parties, where everyone wins.

The population of Minas Gerais, for example, will have access to sustainable health philanthropic entities and enjoy cleaner and more sustainable cities.

The municipalities in which the plants are being implemented gain in terms of job and income generation and investments in infrastructure.

The cooperative members and employees learn to work with energy efficiency, making better use of this resource.

The philanthropic institutions drastically reduce their energy expenses, and – with more cash on hand – will be able to benefit even more people.

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