Aware of the financial benefits generated by renewable sources and the global concern about climate change, the Ocemg System, which represents cooperatives in Minas Gerais, created the Minas Gerais Cooperative Photovoltaic Energy Program: MinasCoop Energia.
The initial idea was to generate clean energy through photovoltaic plants, encourage other cooperatives to adopt clean energy, and have a positive impact on the community.
The Ocemg System made sure to structure the project on the ESG pillars (Environmental, Social, and Governance) and in line with some of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
According to Lucas Lage, planning and projects analyst at the Ocemg System and coordinator of the project, MinasCoop Energia contributes to 10 out of the 17 goals proposed by the UN.
Implementing the Project
The idea for the project emerged in 2019, with meetings and feasibility studies, and in May 2020 a company specializing in the installation, execution and implementation of photovoltaic power plants was hired. The MinasCoop Energia committee was formed in June of that year, consisting of five members.
The goal of the committee is to oversee the construction of photovoltaic energy plants within the Ocemg System. It also conducts meetings to present the project to other cooperatives, keeps in touch with partners, and contributes to innovations on this subject for the cooperative movement in Minas Gerais.
The Ocemg System's plants were inaugurated in October 2021 in Cristália and Botumirim, in the north of Minas Gerais. “The System currently operates three photovoltaic distributed microgeneration plants with a total capacity of 300 kWp (kilowatt-peak), meeting our energy demands since then”, Lage explains.
Making an impact on society
In April 2022, the Ocemg System achieved its goal of impacting the community. Cooperatives participating in the program donate part of the generated power to philanthropic entities in the whole state.
To facilitate this and encourage other cooperatives to follow suit, the Ocemg System entered into a commitment with the hospital Santa Casa de Misericórdia de Minas Gerais in February 2023. It is estimated that the Santa Casa will save US$20,242 per year with the donations.
Apart from donating part of the energy generated by the photovoltaic plants, the MinasCoop Energia project leased unproductive lands for the construction of the plants, creating income for ten families who make a living out of those lands and provide labor.
Extraordinary Results
The changes caused by the implementation of MinasCoop Energia did not go unnoticed. According to Lage, the first positive outcome was to eliminate Ocemg System's expenses on electricity. Now, the entity no longer has any costs related to energy.
Currently, over 40 cooperatives are part of this project, with 80 plants spread across 56 cities in Minas Gerais. Additionally, 65 entities benefit, and over 2,6 million kW/h of energy are donated annually.
The project has significantly benefited the population of Minas Gerais. The needs of over 4,1 million people have been addressed, and 686 jobs were created during and after the construction of the plants.
To date, more than 46.7 million reais have been invested in the construction of these UFVs, which together generate more than 10 MW of power.
Success around the world
In addition to its success in Minas Gerais, the MinasCoop Energia project has gained international recognition. It was featured at COP26, the 26th United Nations Climate Change Conference held in 2021 in Glasgow, Scotland.
At COP27 in Egypt, MinasCoop Energia was represented by Alexandre Gatti, the superintendent of the Ocemg System. Finally, the program also made its presence felt at COP28, held in 2023 in Dubai, in the United Arab Emirates.
Given the positive results, MinasCoop aims to continue encouraging cooperatives in Minas Gerais to implement sustainable energy generation and to impact communities.