The name of Sicredi Grandes Lagos is not the result of chance. Operating in Paraná and São Paulo, the cooperative has an intimate relationship with water. In Paraná, its agencies are surrounded by lakes and dams. In São Paulo, the cooperative is present in coastal cities bathed by the sea.
In view of this, Sicredi Grandes Lagos began to dedicate itself to the protection of water resources and maritime ecosystems, explains Maria Nivete Presa, Cooperativism Development Advisor:
“We looked at SDG 14, which mentions water, and decided to dedicate our actions to it, since lakes and the sea are the protagonists of our area of activity”. Therefore, the cooperative carries out a series of initiatives aimed at protecting springs, cleaning beaches and caring for aquatic fauna. The actions are managed by the cooperative’s Sustainability Committee.
Taking care of springs
The Water Source Protection project was carried out by agencies from Paraná, covering, in total, springs in the cities of Laranjeiras Sul, Rio Bonito, Porto Barreiro, Laranjal, Marquinho, Nova Laranjeiras, Virmond, Cantagalo, Guaraniaçu, Ibema, Diamante do Sul, Campo Bonito, Quedas do Iguaçu, Espigão Alto do Iguaçu and Três Barras do Paraná.
The objective of the initiative is to improve the quality of water intended for consumption on small rural properties. As a result, 17 projects were completed and delivered to members, benefiting countless families in the region.
“Now, the intention is to protect more than 50 water sources by 2030. Furthermore, we are always revisiting the properties in order to monitor the conditions of all revitalized and protected springs”, says Maria Nivete.
Cleanest beaches
The “Pé na Areia” project, in turn, works to raise awareness about ocean conservation through the correct collection of trash on beaches. These actions are developed by the cooperative’s agencies on the coast of São Paulo.
“We started the project in 2022, working with people who sell food on the sand through permit holders and associations”, says Maria Nivete. “We provide information about financial education and environmental awareness.”
On World Beach Cleaning Day, Sicredi Grandes Lagos invited members, cooperative leaders, NGOs, entities, schools and the community as a whole to collect trash from the beach sand and raise awareness among bathers about the impacts of trash disposal. for the environment.
Attention to fauna
In April 2023, the cooperative took advantage of the opening of the 2023 sport fishing championship in Rio Bonito do Iguaçu, in Paraná, to promote another action aimed at preserving the waters.
With the support of ASPE (Associação Santiago Pesca Esportiva), the entity responsible for organizing the event, and fishermen from several cities in Paraná, the Sicredi Grandes Lagos Sustainability Committee promoted the release of fishes into the Rio Bonito do Iguaçu wetland.
During the event, 12 thousand fry – juvenile fish, recently hatched from eggs – were released at the site, with the aim of revitalizing the lake’s fauna and revitalizing the species that live there.
Sicredi Grandes Lagos’ ESG initiatives aim to benefit nature as well as people. “These actions are connected to the cooperative’s strategies to develop the community”, concludes Maria Nivete Presa.