MinasCoop Energy Project encourages and ...
Aware of the financial benefits generated by renewable sources and the global co...
AccessWomen members of Coopfam mobilize to inc...
Boosting the role of women in the countryside is a major challenge for agricultu...
AccessWith energy transition, Coopmetro incorp...
The emission of polluting gas is a sensitive issue for transportation cooperativ...
AccessCooxupé develops Generations Protocol fo...
Ensuring a sustainable future for its coffee-producing members is the challenge ...
AccessCCampo cuts costs and increases sustaina...
The Pará Agricultural Cooperative CCampo was founded in 2018 from the merger of ...
AccessCooperalfa reduces waste generation with...
Being a truly sustainable organization means taking the issue seriously in all p...
AccessSustainable production in order to grow
Help small and medium-sized farmers to produce soy in the Cerrado, following int...
AccessCaring for the future
Recovering and protecting water springs, as well as helping in the environmental...
AccessCoopfam leads the development of circula...
Coopfam (Cooperativa dos Agricultores Familiares de Poço Fundo e Região), a coop...
AccessWomen of Coopfam mobilize to increase fe...
Empowering women in rural areas is a significant challenge for agricultural coop...
AccessThe energy transition makes Cogran’s pro...
Cogran (Cooperativa dos Granjeiros do Oeste de Minas), a cooperative or farmers ...
AccessCoperil’s Sustainability Policy is a suc...
Coperil, an educational cooperative operating in the city of Irecê, in the count...
AccessAgrária Rural Management Program promote...
To ensure a truly sustainable and environmentally responsible operation, an agri...
AccessSicredi promotes female entrepreneurship...
Women make up the majority of the Brazilian population and head 50.9% of househo...
AccessCooxupé develops Generations Protocol in...
Ensuring a sustainable future for its coffee-producing members is the challenge ...
AccessSicoob Aracoop finances photovoltaic pow...
With operations in the Brazilian states of Minas Gerais and Pará, Sicoob Aracoop...
AccessCooperacre puts technology and innovatio...
The Amazon forest has huge potential for ecological economy and sustainable agri...
AccessWith the project ‘Batalhão do Bem’, Unic...
Circular economy is one of the major trends for building more sustainable commun...
AccessCresol Minas Gerais protects springs and...
The search for clean water and sanitation is a global priority, reflected in the...
AccessSicredi invests in intelligence and tech...
Sicredi’s commitment to the sustainability agenda is not new. The cooperative ha...
AccessSicredi is a pioneer in issuing sustaina...
The pioneering spirit of Sicredi, a credit union system with more than 7 million...
AccessScience and sustainability: Sicoob Credi...
The state of Rondônia, located in the Amazon region of the country, has preserve...
AccessSicredi Grandes Lagos highlights the imp...
The name of Sicredi Grandes Lagos is not the result of chance. Operating in Para...
AccessCresol connects youth to cooperativism
The development of cooperative members has always been a priority at Cresol, a c...
AccessFrimesa is a benchmark in the adoption o...
The search for a clean energy matrix is one of the biggest challenges in making ...
AccessSustentabilidade e rentabilidade de mãos...
Cuidar do planeta é também cuidar da terra de onde se tira o sustento humano. ...
AccessViacredi: pequenas ações podem transform...
Um copo plástico descartável pode levar entre 250 e 400 anos para se decompor na...
AccessCapal garante descarte certo de 167 tone...
Cada vez que o produtor rural Marinus Hagen Filho tinha de vacinar ou aplicar al...
AccessÁgua de beber e gerar energia
Sair da sala de aula, sentar à beira de um rio, conhecer as plantas e animais qu...
AccessVenda de créditos de soja sustentável po...
Quando o produtor rural Fabiano Gomes decidiu recuperar as áreas degradadas da f...
AccessCoplana: pioneering excellence, sustaina...
Until 1999, Brazil imported peanuts because it did not have a product of interna...
AccessEnvironmental cooperation between crop, ...
Balance and harmony are the key words when the subject is the environment. Think...
AccessLight on the international carbon market
Ceriluz – a Rio Grande do Sul energy generation and distribution cooperative – i...
AccessRecuperação de vegetação nativa e preser...
O Porto de Suape é um dos mais conhecidos do Brasil e um dos 10 portos públicos ...
AccessRestoration and preservation of springs
Projeto Olho d´Água da Cocari restaura e preserva nascentes nas propriedades dos...
AccessGreen Bond Cooperativo
Resources obtained from the first issuance of foreign debt securities of the coo...
AccessSustainable energy with the seal of coop...
A partnership between institutions representing cooperatives in Brazil and Germa...
AccessSustainable protagonism
The Organization of Brazilian Cooperatives (OCB) permanently acts in the constru...
AccessWhen even the sun helps
With an innovative solution, Sicredi Centro-Oeste Paulista showed how cooperativ...
AccessGreen agency
Social and environmental responsibility is in the DNA of the cooperative movemen...
AccessWater: a precious good
Water is an irreplaceable natural resource for maintaining a healthy life and we...
AccessEnergy for everyone
The commitment of the cooperative movement is with people. And it is with future...
AccessRecovering springs for a more sustainabl...
Caring for the environment has always been one of the priorities of the cooperat...
AccessTransforming environmental liabilities i...
Transforming environmental liabilities into clean and renewable energy In the co...
AccessMultiplying results
Pig manure, carcasses, sludge, oil residues. All this “garbage” is helping to ge...
AccessSustainable production to keep the fores...
Tradition and science go hand in hand in a small cooperative in the Amazon Rainf...
AccessA pioneer in the negotiation of carbon c...
A cooperative from the interior of the state of Mato Grosso do Sul was one of th...
AccessKnowledge exchange in the forest
In the Amazon rainforest, trees do not survive alone. They need each other to gr...
AccessLearn by cooperating
To have the students as the protagonists of their learning and with the necessar...
AccessSustainable production in order to grow
Sustainable production in order to grow Help small and medium-sized farme...